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Privacy Policy Immagine

Privacy Policy

Art. 13 Regulation EU n.2016/679 of the European parliament and of the council of 27 April 2016 
Having regards of Article 13 Regulation EU n. 2016/679 of the European parliament and of the council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons and the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In particular, Frescura S.p.A., as responsible for the treatment of the following data, wants to inform that having regards of the GDPR obligations, is required to inform regarding the mode and purpose of the personal data treatment, which Frescura S.p.A. itself may take possession for the service execution or the required performance

The controller of all personal data gained in regards to commercial and business relationship is the company Frescura S.p.A. with legal address in Sarmeola di Rubano (PD), via Volta n. 11, cap. 35030
Controller e-mail:
Telefono: 049.8738911 | Fax. 049.8738930


The personal data gained during newsletter registration (name, surname, email address, optional mobile phone number) will be treated only for marketing purpose such as promotional offers sent with e-mail from Frescura S.p.A. or market research  useful for the company social utility.

Processing personal data is only for marketing purpose, Frescura S.p.A. is the only applicant authorised only by you yourself, in accordance with the views to the present information.

In particular, automatic systems will effect direct marketing: email and newsletter. The personal data gained from users that require information material (mailing list, newsletter etc.) are used exclusively with the purpose to inform about the requested information material and will not be communicated to others.


Personal data transfer is optional.

If no authorisation is given for personal data treatment then no communication or information material can be sent.

We inform that, in all circumstances, you can object writing at the mailing list:, or by cancelling in the website procedure


Treatment is achieved with operations, made out by electronic devices that consist in gain, registration, organisation, conservation, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, utilisation, interconnection, block, communication.

We specify that personal data will be kept and controlled, in conjunction with technological progress, with security measures, both physical and logical  , to reduce risk of destruction or loss of data; or non-authorised access; or non- authorised data treatment or not in line with the objectives.

Personal data will be kept in Italian territory.

Data treatment will be used exclusively by the Controller and only by controller authorised people.


Personal data will be kept for the following period:

- Marketing purpose: except in case of withdrawal of consent, personal data will be kept until marketing purpose is active, on the contrary personal data will be permanently deleted using automatic procedure.


Personal data will not be given to others or to non-authorised people.
Personal data may be given to an outside company for marketing purpose, in Italy or foreign country, inside EU. Such company will be nominated external responsible of personal data treatment, by written contract.

A List of external personal data Responsible is available in Frescura S.p.A with legal address: Sarmeola di Rubano (PD), via Volta n. 11, cap. 35030, telephone number: 049.8738911

Further information regarding personal data treatment are available in the information privacy website

The hereby information may change day by day for various reasons such as technological progress or for different purpose of personal data treatment. The Controller has therefore the right to modify or change this information in any time. In that case, the Controller must update such information (for example: using email).